Dear my friends from different countries

Many of you are long time no see. How have you been?

This is to let you know about  my present job helping to revitalize the countryside named Nagashima, which can be found in the northeast part of Kagoshima. I’ve lived here since last Feb to promote local products of Nagashima especially a food. Nagashima used be an isolated island but a bridge called Kuronoseto Ohashi has been built since around 1970s so it’s an island now.

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The reason why I report this is that I want you guys to eat and experience the quality of ingredients of Nagashima at reasonable price. Also it’s easily accessible.

From this Feb.1 to March.31, a Nagashima fair has been held at KAITEN SUSHI named  Mawashi Zushi Katsu which company runs 8 restaurants around Tokyo and Kanagawa area.

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During this fair, they provide a good quality of SUSHI and foods collaborated with Nagashima.

Nagashima is surrounded by a beautiful nature and sea. As you can imagine, there are many delicious ingredients, for example, sweet oranges with a lump at the top, potatoes grown in the red soil and farmed yellowtails.

Especially, a farmed Yellowtail branded Burioh(King of yellowtail)is the most well known ingredient produced in Nagashima. Azuma town fisherman union in Nagashima is the top producer of a farmed yellowtail in Japan and currently exports to 30 countries around the world, even though the population of Nagashima is only 11000 people. The SUSHI picture of this article is Burioh.

Im very happy if you have an interesting about Nagashima by this blog article and hopefully you or your friends in Japan go to this fair and taste delicious foods from this small but a strong island.

Sorry for my bad English but I really want you guys to enjoy Nagashima foods.

Sincerely, Ryokan.




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